Friday, February 3, 2012

Risky Business

Today, my poetry professor emailed me to tell me I'm too hard on myself and that I am a gifted writer. He thinks that I am always looking for the right answer, which can't exist in poetry. I think that what he said was true, but I would include that what I really want is to know that I am on the right track. I want to know that I'm saying something meaningful to someone other than me. I think I'm starting to need validation as a writer.
It's too late for me to switch my major, but I want to know that what I'm writing isn't complete bullshit. Poetry is my downfall, and unexpectedly my poetry classes are my favorite this quarter. I would still consider myself a fiction writer, but I think I'm learning more from this class than any other writing class so far.
So here it goes, I'm going to post a draft of a poem that I am working on. You can hate it, love it, or tell me it needs work. I'm up for anything. My professor also told me that I take criticism well, I am willing to rewrite and that I am an open, risk taking person in my writing.
So here's another risk, posting my own poem online.


In one moment our friendship was lost
Like the dog on the sign taped to that streetlight
My boyfriend is drunkenly petting a stray cat on the lawn
Your boyfriend is next to me saying you didn’t mean it
You snarled and snapped and stomped back into the house
the house where everyone else drinks and laughs
The house where I should be instead on this concrete curb,
My hands cupping my face
and your boyfriend, not mine
Attempting to bring me inside
Your boyfriend laughs when I tell him there’s nothing left to fix

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